Large munsterlander CLUB news
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From the LMC committee we would like to extend a huge thank you to everyone who supported our championship and open shows 2nd June 2024. We are overwhelmed by the support from the number of entries, huge distances travelled, incredible raffle prizes (we ran out of table space!) and supportive environment for the whole show.
We hope you all had a fabulous day. We did promise you the sunshine! We’d like to say a huge congratulations to everyone who took part. A thank you to our sponsors for the day Sporting Saint - Gundog Training Equipment, Field and Fireside, Butternut Box, Agria Pet Insurance, Walker & Drake, Platinum Pet Food UK Natures Menu. And our photographers for the day IJ Equine Photography who have some amazing images from the day. A special thank you to Fiona Braidwood, Owen Wallace and Eleanor Waddington-Chick for their help during the day with the raffle and scurry. And to Tracey Irving for her support of the “intro to showing” session which was brilliantly organised by Sarah James. The Committee would love to hear any additional feed-back to: [email protected] Massive thanks to all involved in planning, running and attending the Large Munsterlander Breed Appreciation Day presentation followed by the Multi-choice exam held on the 22nd May using Zoom. Special thanks must go to the presenters Helen Evens and Donna Kirkwood-Emery for creating and delivering such an excellent presentation for attendees and to Marion Sargent, the Breed Education Co-ordinator for handling all the administration.
We had 89 attend the presentation from locations around the globe including the USA (Alaska), Spain, the Netherlands and Eire plus in the UK ranging from the Scottish highlands to Cornwall and all points in between: a wonderful spread and realistically only possible through use of the internet. Following the presentation 62 candidates took the Royal Kennel Club on-line exam and we are very pleased to announce that all 62 passed (the exam forms part of a Judge’s development up though RKC Judging levels and is an integral requirement to being able to award Large Munsterlander Challenge Certificates). All attendees should have received their appropriate certificates by email overnight, please check spam folders in the first instance if not received. We need a steward for the Open Show with experience at stewarding. If you can help out please contact the show secretary at -
[email protected] As your committee, we are keen to understand what you would like from the club. This meeting, which could be just the first, is an opportunity for members to share ideas and discuss how we develop the club. While there are a few matters the committee would like to discuss, the main purpose is for members to “Have your say”.
We have set up an email address [email protected] Feel free to send your ideas, concerns, questions or simply topics you feel we should be discussing, to this address. We can build an agenda around the things you feel are important. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing as many as possible on the 15th May. Further details for the zoom meeting will be emailed to members shortly. |
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