Large munsterlander CLUB news
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Proposed New Rules and Codes for the LMC
The Proposed New Rules for the LMC were agreed by the membership at the SGM held on 12th November 2023. These rules are now being sent to the Royal Kennel Club for their inspection and approval. Until their approval is granted, the Current LMC Rules stand. PROPOSED RULES PROPOSED CODE OF ETHICS AND CONDUCT If anyone would like to take on the role of LMC Puppy Co-Coordinator and would like to find out more of what is involved in carrying out this role please contact the Chairman and we can take it from there.
John MacGregor submitted his decision to resign from the role of LMC Puppy Co-ordinator by e-mail to the Honorary Secretary on Saturday 11 November 2023. The Honorary Secretary replied on Sunday evening, acknowledging the email and made an offer to discuss the matter further if John wished.
We have not received any further communication so now accept his resignation from the role of Puppy Co-ordinator. We all wish to thank him and Fiona for their many years of service to the Club in various roles and positions on and off the Committee. We wish them and their dogs every success and happiness in whichever direction they decide to take. Update from the LMC Committee following the Special General Meeting Sunday 12th November 202314/11/2023
There appears to be some confusion over the suitability for dogs at the SGM. To clarify, the building is not suitable for dogs, other than disability dogs. The carpark is a private carpark for the sole use of the Chilterns Neuro Centre. Of course owners can leave their dogs in a car, and that will be at the discretion of the owner, remembering that the meeting may last a couple of hours. The carpark is not security patrolled and members of the public can access the carpark, but this is no different to the vast majority of carparks. One of the two carparks at the Centre is visible from the room being used for the SGM, but would depend on seating layout. The images below will hopefully help members who wish to attend in person to get an idea of the proximity of the carpark to the meeting room.
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