Large munsterlander CLUB news
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As your committee, we are keen to understand what you would like from the club. This meeting, which could be just the first, is an opportunity for members to share ideas and discuss how we develop the club. While there are a few matters the committee would like to discuss, the main purpose is for members to “Have your say”.
We have set up an email address [email protected] Feel free to send your ideas, concerns, questions or simply topics you feel we should be discussing, to this address. We can build an agenda around the things you feel are important. We look forward to hearing from you and seeing as many as possible on the 15th May. Further details for the zoom meeting will be emailed to members shortly. Draft minutes from 2024 AGM held on Sunday 14th April pending approval at the 2025 AGM Draft Minutes 14th April 2024As part of the Large Munsterlander Club’s expansion of the puppy coordinator team, we would like to set up a “Trusted Munsterlander Network” (TMN).
The TMN’s aim is to utilise the wealth of experienced owners we have across the UK should any prospective puppy owners wish to meet some Large Munsterlanders. We feel it’s a vital part of understanding the breed to be able to see them outside on a walk or in the field and chat to an owner(s) ‘first hand’. Therefore we are seeking volunteers from our LM community who would be willing to meet prospective puppy owners. Liaison will be through the Puppy Coordinator team who will contact you direct (your details will not be passed on to prospective puppy owners). Requirements: -Member of the LMC -Good understanding of the breed -Experience of show/working/other activity, would be beneficial If you feel you are able to help, please advise the puppy coordinator team at [email protected] with your name, telephone number, email and the area you are able to cover. he Large Munsterlander Club are delighted to have the opportunity to run a retrieving and handling workshop with the fabulous Anthea Shelley of Brockhills Dog Training. Aimed at novice and intermediate dogs to be able to work on your dog’s retrieving skills, sharpen up your handling and prepare for working tests over the summer. 6 spaces available, preference will go to members with Large Munsterlanders, members with other breeds, non-members with Large Munsterlanders then non-members with other breeds. Email [email protected] or message Jack Waddington-Chick for a space.
Just a quick reminder that the LMC Annual General Meeting will be held on Sunday 14th April at 1.00pm at Normanton on Soar Village Hall, Loughborough, Leicestershire, LE125HB. You can attend online by zoom, or in person at the above venue. If you have already sent in your apologies, thank you. Click below for details.
AGM Joining/Attending Details Keep the entries coming in for the LMC double show on the 2nd of June
Enter online at: New classes for 2024 baby puppy and Progeny Camping available at this venue Everyone is welcome spectators and spectator dogs too |
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